Schools (Coronado)
Coronado Area
The city of Coronado is located across the bay from San Diego and is connected to the mainland by the San Diego – Coronado Bridge. Coronado is home to 25,000 people and covers 32 square miles. Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI) and Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) are located in Coronado. School placement in Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) is based on where you live. Additionally, there are two private schools in Coronado.
For more information on local public, private or homeschools, please email your Naval Base Coronado School Liaison at:
Public Schools Serving the Military Housing and Community Neighborhoods in Coronado
Silver Strand Elementary (TK-5): 1350 Leyte Rd., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8934
Coronado Middle School (6-8): 550 F Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8921
Coronado High School (9-12): 650 D Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8907
Naval Amphibious Base
Village Elementary School (TK-5): 600 Sixth St., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8915
Coronado Middle School (6-8): 550 F Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8921
Coronado High School (9-12): 650 D Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8907
Naval Air Station North Island, Coronado Shores and Village
Village Elementary School (TK-5): 600 Sixth St., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8915
Coronado Middle School (6-8): 550 F Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8921
Coronado High School (9-12): 650 D Ave., Coronado, CA 92118, 619-522-8907
Enrollment Documents Needed:
2. Signed Proof of Residency Affidavit
3. Driver’s License or other picture ID
4. Original Birth certificate
5. Current immunization record
6. Withdrawl slip (if mid-year), name and address of previous school (unofficial transcripts required for 10th -12th grade students)
7. School Entry Health Check-up required for K/1st grade entrance
8. Oral Health/Dental Exam required for TK/Kinder entrance
9. Last Report Card - middle school students and incoming 9th grade students
10. Pertussis Immunization - Grades 7-12 students only
Transportation Services
Coronado Unified School District provides neighborhood-to-school transportation to Silver Strand Elementary School, Coronado Middle School, and NAB residents attending Village Elementary School, and Coronado High School (PM only). Visit
Important Links
Before & After School Care options:
Silver Strand Child & Youth Center, 1302 Leyte Road, 619-435-5056,
By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities. Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent with data reported in the SARC. The link to find all of CUSD’s SARC’s is:
Supports in Place for Military Students
- Naval Base Coronado and Coronado Unified School District MOU and Local Partnership Council
- Anchored4Life Transition and Resiliency Program
- Student-2-Student Club at Coronado High School
- CYP Youth Sponsorship Program
- Military Family Life Counselors
- Partnerships in Education
- Operation Bigs
- Operation Pals
- DoDEA Grants
- Federal Impact Aid
- MIC-3
Private Schools
706 C Ave., Coronado, CA 92118
Christ Church Day School, K-7
926 C Ave., Coronado, CA 92118
South Bay Union School District
South Bay Union School District Homepage:
Quick Facts:
- Established: 1920
- Region: 14.38 square miles of land area and 2.29 square miles of water area
- Population Served: 75,823
- Current Enrollment: 6,012 (K-8) and 341 Preschool Students
- Number of Schools: 12 (including two dependent Charter Schools and one Preschool)
- Number of Certificated Employees: 386
- Number of Employees: Approximately 950
- Dual Language Immersion Program
- STEAM Academy
- Gifted and Talented Education Program
- Global Leadership and Empowerment Academy
- Visual and Performing Arts Program
- Instrumental Music Program
- Leader in Me
- No Excuses University
Instructional Sites
- Bayside STEAM Academy (K-6)
- Berry (K-6)
- Central (TK-6)
- Emory Academy of Global Leadership and Empowerment (K-6)
- Imperial Beach Charter (K-8)
- Mendoza (K-6)
- Nestor Language Academy Charter (K-8)
- Nicoloff (TK-6)
- Oneonta (TK-6)
- Pence (K-6)
- Sunnyslope (K-6)
- VIP Village (Preschool)
San Ysidro School District
San Ysidro School District Homepage:
Elementary Schools
- La Mirada (TK-6)
- Ocean View Hills (TK-5)
- Smythe (TK-6)
- Sunset (K-6)
- Willow (TK-6)
Middle Schools
- Vista Del Mar (6-8)
- San Ysidro (7-8)
Home Schooling
There are no statutes in California at this time dealing specifically and exclusively with private home education or schooling at home. However, there are four legal alternatives for homeschooling:
- Home educators may establish a private school, based in their home, but must file a private school affidavit with the Superintendent of Public Instruction of California.
- Homeschooling parents may enroll their children in a private school PSP (private school satellite program) that has filed a private school affidavit with the Superintendent of Public Instruction of California.
- A child being taught by a home-schooling parent, who has valid California teacher’s credential.
- The home-schooled pupil may enroll in a public school independent study program.
For more information visit California Department of Education Schooling at Home.
Homeschooling Legal Defense Association,, is a non-profit advocacy organization available to help you make sense of the laws and understand your legal homeschooling rights.
The Coronado Homeschool Network plans quarterly outings to network with other military homeschool families. To join, contact the Naval Base Coronado School Liaison at or 619-991-2509.
FAQs Based on the SL 7 Core Services
School Transition Services
Parents can attend a Kindergarten Transition Brief that is offered at their CDC. The brief provides information such as eligibility, enrollment requirements, school options, checklists, and resources. The Naval Base Coronado School Liaison also provides this service to families on an individual basis, if needed.
The first step is to look online at the district and school webpages. There you will find answers to most of your questions. If you need more information, the School Liaison Officer works year round and is available to answer your questions throughout the summer. In addition, you may also contact Coronado Unified’s Student Services at 619-522-8900 ext. 1038, South Bay Union’s Student Support and Accountability at 619-628-1602, or San Ysidro’s Student Services at 619-428-4476 ext. 3083.
We are staying at the NASNI Navy Lodge; can my children attend Coronado schools?
While staying in temporary Navy lodging, there are designated schools for your child to attend until your family receives permanent housing. Those schools are: Village Elementary, Coronado Middle, and Coronado High School. If you move to a permanent house that is located in a different district, other than Coronado, your child will be assigned to a different school.
How do I request an inter-district transfer request?
Submit the completed application, which is available online, to your district of residence for review and release. Once the resident district has reviewed your application, they will send the signed application to CUSD’s Office of the Superintendent. Depending on your resident district, you may be able to pick up your request after review/release and hand carry it to CUSD’s Office of the Superintendent. Applications are accepted starting in March for the following school year, will be reviewed beginning in May, and are based upon space availability. Transfers are not first come first serve. Once admitted into a school, an inter-district student is generally allowed to continue at that school to the highest grade level.
How do I dis-enroll my child from school?
Over the holidays is a busy time for schools as many current students transfer to new locations. Requesting unofficial records from the school’s office at least one week prior to transferring will allow enough time for the school to make copies. Also, student obligations must be cleared before the release packet is given to the parent/guardian. This includes the following: return of library books, textbooks, and other educational materials, payment for lost or damaged materials, and lunch account must be cleared. Informing the front office at least one week prior to leaving will ensure a smooth transition from the current school to the receiving school.
The Interstate Compact seeks to make transition easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. More information can be found at:
Deployment Support
What deployment supports are in place for students (and their parents)?
Operation Pals, an after-school deployment club, operates at Silver Strand Elementary and Village Elementary. Students meet in sessions throughout the school year and are mentored by sailors who participate in an activities with the students, as well as assist with homework. Anchored4Life is offered to students at Silver Strand Elementary School and Village Elementary School. It is a transition and resiliency program and deployment kits and activities are offered to students that participate. Each school in Coronado has a MFLC (Military Family Life Counselor) that offers individual counseling, as well as group counseling to students for deployment support. Deployment club, military kids club, and friendship club are just a few of the options that military students can participate in. Coronado-South Bay Military Spouses meets quarterly and offers deployment support for military spouses in the community. MFLCs lead the themed interactive discussions and provide an opportunity for spouses to share their experiences and gain new insights from other experienced spouses. These meetings rotate school sites and are offered quarterly. Contact the Coronado School Liaison Officer to find out when and where the next meeting will be held. In addition, the School Liaison has a list of deployment resources you may find useful.
Command, School, Community Communications
What are Federal Impact Aid Survey Cards and why are they important?
At the beginning of every new school year the Federal Impact Aid Survey Cards will be sent home to every student in the district. A separate card must be completed and returned for each child. These completed cards will result in more federal money to help reimburse the California Department of Education for the cost of educating federally connected (military and DoD civilian) children whose families do not pay California state taxes. This will mean more resources for the schools and ultimately our children. These funds help to pay for things such as text books, technology, and substitute teachers which can impact our military-connected child’s learning. Your information is not going to be shared with anyone outside the state and federal government, and the money for the school districts comes directly from the Department of Education and is based on the number of military-connected children educated by the state.
Homeschool Linkage and Support
What supports are in place for my K-12 homeschool students?
The Coronado-South Bay Homeschool Network meets quarterly for outings on Naval Base Coronado and in the surrounding community. Students and parents have the opportunity to network with other families that are homeschooling their children.
Partnerships in Education (PIE)
Sailors are volunteering in the local schools by providing support for jog-a-thons, Operation Pals, fall festivals, luaus, Friday Family Fun nights, and other special events. Sailors enjoy providing community service to the local schools and have provided years of support to Operation Pals, the after-school deployment club, and the jog-a-thons.
If your command is looking for a COMREL opportunity, contact the School Liaison. The School Liaison always has opportunities for sailors to volunteer in the local schools. The ways to volunteer are endless.
Post-Secondary Preparation
Transferability of the Post 9/11 GI Bill is a retention tool and in order to find out if you are eligible to transfer it, you must contact the VA. The School Liaison can provide you with the contact information. Additional information can be found at:
Special Needs System Navigation
You must first contact the Student Services Department at your neighborhood School District. There are five basic steps to become familiar with in the special education process:
- Referral or request for evaluation,
- Evaluation,
- Eligibility determination,
- Individualized Educational Program (IEP) development, and
- Progress Monitoring and IEP review.
The School Liaison is a liaison between the school and the military and cannot be an advocate for a family. There are other organizations that can, and the SL can refer to those organizations. The SL’s role is to assist families in navigating the special education system within the school district and to assist with connecting you to the right people at the school or district office. The SL can also connect you to military resources that are available.